About Ken Lim

Ken Lim has created 109 entries.

Entries By Ken Lim
  • Increasing employee productivity with Microsoft Search in Bing and PowerApps

    You want your employees to be their most creative, innovative, and productive always. So does Microsoft. To improve their employee experience, Microsoft implemented Microsoft Search in Bing to enhance the discoverability of information, people, and apps. It helps their employees to find internal resources and complete common tasks in one place. Now you can take those same tools and create a modern IT infrastructure for your employees, and we can help. At Intrious Technology Sdn Bhd, we have years of experience helping businesses just like yours update and modernize their IT. Contact us today to learn more.

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  • I have solutions from many vendors in my IT environment. How can Microsoft help me secure our entire digital landscape?

    For Microsoft 365 to truly be a comprehensive solution for your business and reduce the burden on your IT teams, it needs to secure more than just Microsoft products.

    That’s why Microsoft 365 is built to protect your data wherever it lives, whether in your on-premises server or on the cloud on Windows or Linux, and wherever it goes, even when documents travel to non-Microsoft platforms.

    At Intrious Technology Sdn Bhd, we want to support your IT teams in keeping your data secure, no matter where it goes. Contact us to learn more.

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  • Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport

    Chances are, you could be spending less on your backup infrastructure. Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport wanted to save money on their backup infrastructure too. By integrating the right cloud solution, you could save big. Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport will save up to 69% by switching from on-premises to the Microsoft cloud.

    Navigating your business to the cloud can be tough, and with the security of your data on the line, you shouldn’t take any chances. At, Intrious Technology Sdn Bhd, we specialize in helping businesses like yours to make the journey to the cloud. Contact us to find out how we can help today!

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  • Microsoft 365 Powered Device Pilot Datasheet

    Whether you’re looking to bring more security to your organization or enhance productivity, a modern desktop can help. With the constantly changing requirements coming down from regulatory bodies across the world, it’s important to have a safe and secure operating environment that enables employees and staff the ability to communicate effectively and increase productivity. Take care of your employees and customers with a modern set of tools. At Intrious Technology Sdn Bhd, we know how to help you bring the latest and greatest into your organization. Contact us to find out how we can help.

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  • How small businesses can safeguard their data

    A new malware specimen is released every 4.2 seconds. As a small business owner, how can you be expected to keep up with the ever-shifting threats?

    Luckily, you can rely on someone with a bit more resources and experience. Microsoft is continually pulling from their threat intelligence network to stay on top of the latest threats and keep your business protected in the changing landscape.

    At Intrious Technology Sdn Bhd, we want to set your business up for success with access to the tools and experience you need to stay protected from threats. Contact us to learn more.

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  • 13 Tech Experts Predict The Industry’s Biggest Challenges In 2019

    What are the biggest tech challenges to your company and how can your company stay agile in the face of change? Read this Forbes article for insight on the trends you need to prepare to address. A provider of advanced security, cloud, and machine learning solutions from Microsoft, Intrious Technology Sdn Bhd can help your company develop a strategy to adapt to changes in the modern workplace.

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  • How can Microsoft help me understand my current security posture and get recommendations on how to improve?

    Managing security can be overwhelming, especially for a large enterprise. Piecing together a web of disconnected security programs and strategies to address individual problems only adds to the confusion.

    Microsoft 365 gives you the tools to gain visibility across your current security posture, address current problems, and provide strategies to protect your organization moving forward.

    Enterprise-wide security suddenly became manageable. At Intrious Technology Sdn Bhd, we can’t wait to help you get started. Contact us to learn more.

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  • Even Lewis and Clark had a business continuity and disaster recovery plan in place when they set out to find the Northwest Passage. Just like those explorers, business owners and IT teams must put plans in place to mitigate unforeseen dangers and risks, while protecting data.

    Although most companies do data protection well, disaster recovery is not one-size-fits-all. At Intrious Technology Sdn Bhd, we understand this, and we can help you put the best plan in place for your company.

    There’s no time like the present. Contact us to get started today.

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  • Customer story: Zespri

    At Intrious Technology Sdn Bhd, we know and understand that business continuity is a must for every company. But unexpected threats can be disastrous if you’re not prepared.

    In the wake of disruption from an earthquake and plant virus, the world’s largest marketer of kiwifruit, Zespri, moved SAP workloads to Microsoft Azure, reducing IT costs, increasing agility, and keeping their business running smoothly.

    Don’t wait to put your disaster recovery plan in place. Contact us to get started today.

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  • Customer story: Xiaoyi Technology

    When global camera company Xiaoyi Technology set out to modernize its IT infrastructure in the cloud, it chose Microsoft 365. Since adopting Microsoft 365, the company has been able to boost productivity, maximize productivity and enhance customer experience by automating time consuming processes. See the difference, and contact Intrious Technology Sdn Bhd to see how we can help your company modernize IT with Microsoft 365.

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  • Your Data is Safe with Office 365

    As a small business owner, we know you wear a lot of hats. One of the most difficult and yet most important is that of security manager. With threats constantly evolving, it can be stressful to embrace new technologies with confidence. Is the benefit worth the risk and headache?

    When you switch to Office 365, you can pass the role of security expert on to Microsoft, who use their expansive resources and experience to provide you with top-notch security that stays ahead of the latest threats all while enjoying freedom and flexibility that comes with operating your business on the cloud.

    Don’t delay any longer, contact us to get started.

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  • Managing the enterprise cloud with Operations Management Suite

    In today’s digital age, it can be tough to keep your data secure as you move forward. At Intrious Technology Sdn Bhd, we believe that you should have the freedom to advance your business interests without having to worry about security.

    Microsoft uses its own Operations Management Suite (OMS) to help manage their IT environment. Moving their data from on-premises to the cloud allows them to securely monitor their entire system.

    With the right tools, your business can have the freedom and confidence to grow. Contact us to learn more about how we can help you integrate Microsoft solutions.

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