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Content MX has created 504 entries.

Entries By Content MX
  • Help customers work together with Microsoft technology

    Did you know that 83% of employees depend on technology to work together? How are you helping your teams work together to do their best work?

    Now, you can offer your team an integrated #Teamworksolution from #Microsoft. By streamlining communication, you can help your employees bring their teams and resources together, connect with users outside the company, and even work remotely.

    Why wait? Contact our team at Intrious Technology Sdn Bhd to get started today.

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  • Company Culture and Core Values

    A company’s core values set the tone for everything: employee interactions and meetings, written materials, website and social platforms, customer service…the list doesn’t end. This is why it’s crucial that you talk about the core principles that define your company—if you don’t talk about them, it likely means you’re not comfortable with them. Team members need to know what their company stands for. To stay current with thought leadership topics, subscribe to Intrious Technology Sdn Bhd today!

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  • Run effective meetings with Microsoft Teams

    Even if you and your team are working from home, you still need meetings to keep the business moving. However, meetings—both in-person and virtual can too often be unproductive. As all meetings move remote, it’s more important than ever to keep them engaging and productive. Microsoft can show you how. This virtual class from a Microsoft training specialist covers tips to make the most of your Microsoft Teams meetings from beginning to end.

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  • MS Azure IaaS TEI Infographic

    Customer feedback and data aggregation are true reflections of product results. Forrester’s financial impact report on Microsoft Azure IaaS shows two major cost reductions: 73% in data center footprint and 83% in IT outsourcing. Look at this infographic that summarizes the report or read the full study. Connect with Intrious Technology Sdn Bhd. @Azure #Azure

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  • The Total Economic Impact™ of Microsoft Azure SQL Database Managed Instance

    How can you achieve up to 212% ROI or more with Microsoft Azure SQL Database Managed Instance? Lower operational costs and redirect resources to more value-add projects. Costs associated with rearchitecting apps for the cloud as well as IT administrative costs will minimize.

    Forrester Consulting conducted a study to examine potential cost savings from migrating on-premises workloads to Azure. Have a look.

    Contact Intrious Technology Sdn Bhd now for migration support.

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  • Lackluster Teamwork? Tips For Boosting Performance

    What are you doing to help your teams work better together?

    #Teamwork is about more than just changing the way that employees communicate. It’s about understanding the roots of human behavior and putting in the work to keep your employees engaged. Check out this article for tips to boost teamwork in your business.

    Need help getting started? Contact our team at Intrious Technology Sdn Bhd for more on how our #Microsoft Teamwork solutions can help your employees do their best work.

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  • Unblocking Teamwork: Four tools and strategies to improve collaboration

    According to Cummins CIO, Sherry Aaholm, “Millennials–who make up 57% of our workforce–expect to collaborate in real time, with video calls, texting, and coauthoring.”

    Do you have the right tools to support your employees? You may want to consider modernizing your workplace with solutions like Microsoft Teams.

    At Intrious Technology Sdn Bhd, we want you to have a powerful collaboration and communication solution designed to meet the diverse work styles and needs of every group within your workforce. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you plan and implement a modern digital workplace.

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  • Unblocking Teamwork: four tools and strategies to improve collaboration

    Collaboration is becoming increasingly important in workplace culture, but COVID-19 is isolating employees and collaboration could be more of a challenge. Microsoft Teams can help. This Microsoft eBook shares tips and tricks on how you can use Teams to overcome blockers to collaboration—like too many apps and tools or inefficient virtual meetings. Discover how you can drive collaboration with this tool.

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  • Introducing Microsoft Teams

    According to IWG, as many as 70% of employees work remotely at least one day each week. With a distributed workforce, individual team members and diverse employees bring different expectations, preferences, and tool demands. That’s why it’s important to have the right tools that everyone knows. Adopting a familiar modern workplace with solutions like Microsoft Teams can help bring your workforce together.

    At Intrious Technology Sdn Bhd, we have the expertise and experience to help you integrate the modern workplace you need to achieve more. Contact us today to learn more on how we can help.

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  • Digital Transformation in the Oil & Gas Industry: Combining Azure Cloud-Based Services

    In today’s fast-paced world, we understand that every second is valuable to your business. We also know that managing large volumes of data requires a battle-tested database. Microsoft’s #Azure provides the tools you need to improve operational efficiency.

    Watch how a data-driven company such as Lizo can utilize Cosmo DB and SQL Database to improve overall performance and business results. Contact us to learn more.

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