About Content MX

Content MX has created 504 entries.

Entries By Content MX
  • How to Turn Your Business Goals into a Strong Social Media Strategy

    Do you develop social media strategies to align with your actual business goals, or do you post, share, tweet and like according to what you *think* your audience might want? Too many users don’t connect their goals with their strategies, according to writer Elissa Liu. Read her article, “How to Turn Your Business Goals into a Strong Social Media Strategy” and subscribe to Intrious Technology Sdn Bhd for more tips to stay ahead of the game!

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  • Customer story: IHG (InterContinental Hotel Group) grows and scales its global business with hybrid cloud

    With locations in 100 countries, InterContinental Hotel Group (IHG) is focused on improving their customers’ experiences through technology. But updating IT infrastructure in so many countries was costly and ineffective. The cloud offered IHG a way to grow and scale their global business while adding value to their customers.

    At Intrious Technology Sdn Bhd, we’ve helped businesses adopt a hybrid cloud solution that meets their specific needs. Contact us to find out how we can help you deliver a better customer experience.

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  • Customer story: Jack’s Diving Locker

    Did you know that technology is helping to protect and save our oceans? With #cloud security and communication tools, @JacksDiveLocker has exponentially increased their outreach and education efforts to keep our oceans healthy and thriving.

    Want to see how the latest #security tools can help grow your business? Contact our team at Intrious Technology Sdn Bhd to get started today!

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  • Technology’s Impact on Employee Experience: Balancing Overload Versus Enablement

    How does technology enhance an employee’s experience? How does it hinder it?

    You can lead the way in providing a balanced work environment. With #Teamworksolutions from #Microsoft, show your employees how to make technology work for them so their teams stay more connected and productive with tools that make it easy and fun to work together.

    Read this article for more. And contact us to help you get started.

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  • Develop ‘Security Champions’ For Successful Enterprise Security Scalability

    “Scaling up a corporate security department can be an exercise in futility. These organizations need to cover multiple areas of expertise, from classic IT security to physical security, compliance, regulation, secure coding, incident handling and legal/privacy, all while facing the need to run lean.”

    Read this article for to discover how getting to the root cause of vulnerabilities helps leverage your best assets and employees to protect your organization from future breaches.

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  • Cloud lessons learned: Four companies that migrated Windows Server

    The GEA Group is one of the largest system providers for the food processing industry, operating in more than 60 countries. With nearly 300 sites worldwide, 120 SAP instances, 3,000 servers, more than 100 enterprise resource planning systems, and 1,000s of apps, GEA needed to centralize control. So, they migrated their server infrastructure to Microsoft Azure. Interested in how you can consolidate your distributed IT infrastructure?

    At Intrious Technology Sdn Bhd, we want to help you find the solutions that will give you more flexibility and control over your data. Contact us today to learn more.

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  • Is your company secure?

    It takes 311 days and $4 million on average to contain an email hack. With Microsoft 365, Intrious Technology Sdn Bhd can help your organization avoid costly breaches and stay secure.

    Microsoft 365 is a complete, intelligent solution to empower employees to be creative and work securely together. It brings together the abilities to identify and access management, threat protection, information protection and security management in a simple, secure, all-in-one solution. Contact us to learn more.

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  • Increase business productivity with Windows Server and Azure

    Over 60% of enterprises will adopt open-source and open APIs for their cloud integration strategies. Migrating existing apps with few or no code changes will help streamline the process. That’s why it’s important to have a platform that works well with open-source APIs and code, like Azure.

    At Intrious Technology Sdn Bhd, we can help you find and implement the open-source compatible solution you need while increasing your automation capabilities. We can help you build always-on, scalable, distributed apps with familiar development tools. To learn more, contact us today.

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  • Customer Story: Clifton Coffee Recap

    Before you can build the business of your dreams, you have to get one thing right: internal communication. With new digital tools available in Teamworksolutions from #Microsoft, teams can easily chat and connect across devices and locations.

    And when company information is organized in tools like #OneNote and #Planner, sharing files and working together on documents has never been easier.

    Contact us to learn what else you can do with our #Microsoft #Teamworksolutions.

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  • Data Migration Process: How Agencies Can Successfully Move Data to Modern Systems

    Planning a data migration from on-premises to the cloud? There are a few ways to get a head start on the process. Begin to think about which staff will be involved, the timing of the move, and what critical infrastructure data you need to move and why. With the right analysis, you can begin to build out a roadmap for your shift to the cloud.

    At Intrious Technology Sdn Bhd, we have worked on dozens of migrations, and we want to help you plan a smooth and fast transition to the cloud. Contact us today to begin your journey to off-premises computing.

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  • Don’t miss another post! Subscribe now.

    While your complete security environment will include a mix of solutions from different vendors, you can feel confident with Microsoft at the heart of it, you’ll have:

    • Solutions built secure from the bottom up
    • Over 3,500 people dedicated to security – more than most governments, let alone companies
    • Internal spending of ~$1B/year on security internally
    • Applied intelligence based on trillions of signals across all Microsoft services

    Subscribe today to stay informed.

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