• Accelerate developer velocity using any platform, any language, and any cloud

    Teams that adopt DevOps culture, practices, and tools become high-performing—building better products faster for greater customer satisfaction. This improved collaboration and productivity is essential to achieve business goals such as accelerating time to market, adapting to the market and competition, maintaining system stability and reliability, and improving the mean time to recovery.

    Subscribe to stay connected. We’ll help you learn more about Azure DevOps with GitHub and Visual Studio from Microsoft

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  • “We need every employee to understand they can make a difference.”

    That’s non-negotiable to Fruit of the Loom CEO Tony Pelaski. In this video, discover how Tony and his team use Microsoft Teams to create a climate for success, ensuring associates have the tools and platform in their supply chain to respond quickly. With Microsoft Teams, Intrious Technology can help you empower every employee at your company by bringing online meetings, modern storytelling tools, collaboration and productivity apps together — all in one place.

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  • Much of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences resources lived in isolated on-premises databases. When it hit its limit and needed a quick, safe, and cost-effective growth path, it turned to Microsoft Azure, Azure DevOps, and Visual Studio. Azure provided the capacity to grow usage while accommodating spikes in traffic during the awards season. DevOps united development and infrastructure teams. And Visual Studio made it possible to agilely develop new streaming apps to deliver rich, responsive online experiences to its members across different devices and platforms.

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